Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Madeleine gets the job!
Madeleine's class has recently implemented a monetary system at school where they can earn "class money" to spend at an auction that will be held at the end of the year. They earn money for doing extra tasks in the classroom and for excellent behavior. They are fined for breaking rules or not turning in homework. The teacher posted a job opening last week for classroom banker. The banker is in charge of managing all of the classmates accounts. Interested students were required to fill out an application complete with qualifications and references. They were also interviewed by the teachers. It was announced yesterday that the position had been filled...Madeleine got the job! We are so proud of her. She worked really hard on her application and is very excited to be the banker. She has always had a knack with money and is extremely frugal. She currently has $120+ dollars in her personal savings account which she has earned through allowance and profits from her artwork online. In addition to this the students were asked to submit designs for the class money to be voted on. Madeleine's designs won 2 out of the 3 currencies to be used. Way to go M!