In school Madeleine's class is doing a writing project on Legends. They had to write their own legend or folk lore on a topic of their choosing. Madeleine chose fire. Her legend is as follows:
By: Madeleine Pfeiffer
A long, long time ago when fire was white and cold, things seemed a little sad back then. First of all when the fire didn’t have the color it has now life was not so good for the Indians. They had no light to see in the dark and their food was always cold. The Indians always ate raw food, the only thing they had to eat was fruit and vegetables because they couldn’t eat raw food, and they could get sick. But sometimes they did eat the raw meat because they got tiered of eating fruit and vegetables. Then one day when the sunset was red and orange, everything changed for the Indians and animals. Suddenly while some Indians were cooking some raw cold fish over the white cold fire, a pack of big gray scary wolves came to the Indians. The Indians were frightened because they didn’t have their spears or weapons with them, then suddenly lightning came and struck the Indians and by a miracle they were not hurt, but rather they could now talk to the wolves. So the Indians started talking to the wolves and they said “Oh please, Oh please, help us. We have raw food, we can’t see, and we have to eat vegetables all the time.” The Indians waited for the wolves to say something. Finally the wolves said “Wait until the next sunset to turn red and orange, even if it takes many days, or even years. When this happens makes sure everyone lights their fires.” Then the pack of big scary wolves left in a flash and the Indians did just what the wolves said.
They waited and waited until the sunset was only red and orange. Many years past until the sunset finally turned red and orange. The Indians started shouting and screaming with excitement for the wolves to do something. Then finally when every single Indian in the world had their fire already made the wolves stated to howl louder and louder. The howling was so loud that a piece of the red and orange sky fell off and shattered into tiny pieces and landed into every single fire. The Indians and animals were so happy because now their fires were warm with the power of the sun. Never again did they have to eat raw food or struggle in the night to see.
And that is the legend of how fire became red and orange.
Madeleine has been asked to read this at a Young Author's Tea on June 2nd. Space is limited for the event, but I will be sure to post pictures for all to see.