Thursday, March 26, 2009

Madeleine's Drama Class Performance

M had her drama performance last night. She was an elephant. It was really cute!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Dane looking out the window this morning ~ "I miss the sun. I wonder when it will come back. This rain is ruining spring."


Dane during dinner last night ~ "I think I like food a lot more then most people"

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Folk Arts Festival

This looks like fun. Check it out HERE.

Friday, March 20, 2009

about ready to KICK my computer...grrrrr

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Scatter Brain

Trying to work...having a hard time organizing my wonder I can't ever seem to finish anything. :/

Free Family Fun!

With the current state of the economy I know everyone is looking for fun things to do with the kids that aren't going to break the bank. Well, The Grand Cinema in Tacoma is offering free screenings of some old family favorites. Click HERE for more information.

Madeleine's performance

M joined the school primary chorus. It is comprised of 2nd and 3rd graders. If she does well she can move onto intermediate chorus next year. They have only had 4 rehearsals and had their first concert last night at the school Art Show. I was really impressed how good they did with so little practice! There will be another concert in June for those who missed it.
(She is in the back row in the pink and white striped sweater.)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Airport maze

On my way to take my mom to the airport again. Every time I'm there it's different. I wish they would finish construction. It's like navigating an ever changing maze. :/

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Wow, that's a lot of sugar! :/

M at ice skating lessons

So cute!

Monday, March 16, 2009

30 days to tax day. Blah! :(

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Market bag

I bought a crochet market bag from Allani's etsy shop; and it's super cool. Check out her stuff. I can't wait to go shopping and see how much stuff I can cram in. :)

Friday, March 13, 2009


It is sooo pretty out today. I'm going to go for a walk before it disappears. :)


I totally forgot last night that the Spanish hall had their CO visit and the meeting schedules were changed this week. So I show up for meeting last night and quickly realise that 'me no EspaƱol'. Needless to say my blonde was really working for me yesterday!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Saw bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs at Fred Meyer. Yay! It's that time of year again! I love Cadbury Mini Eggs. Bought Cadbury Mini Eggs. Ate entire bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs. Tummy ache! Regret purchasing bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs. :(

Monday, March 9, 2009

Snowman Family

Just when you thought it was safe to go outside!

Snow! Taken at 7:45am on our way to school. Yes...there was school this morning even though our school likes to shut down at even the mention of snow. Go figure?!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Great niece & nephfew


Nathan & Kayla

Dane's music performance

(I misplaced my camera, so I'm a little late getting this up.)

Dane had his music performance last week. It was sooo good. All the 4th graders performed different songs from around the world. One number they did was called the "tinkling" (sp?). It is a dance from the Philippines where people hit bamboo sticks on the ground in a rhythmic pattern and dancers have to jump through the sticks without getting their feet caught. The students did a demonstration and then called up volunteers from the audience. Brent got called up and the whole audience had quite a laugh because he is such a big guy that it was hilarious watching him bounce in and out of the sticks! It was a ton of fun! Thanks for all who were able to make it. :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009