Thursday, April 23, 2009

14 year anniversary

Yesterday was Brent and my 14th wedding anniversary. Unfortunately I've been super sick so we weren't able to go anywhere. We are hoping to go out this weekend if I'm feeling better. We had a nice evening though and Brent served me dinner in sweet! The kids had arranged for Grandma to take them shopping to buy us gifts. I was super impressed; they made all the arrangements, picked out the gifts on their own, used their own money they've saved, and wrapped the gifts all by themselves. The picture didn't turn out very well because it was dark, but you can see the big boxes...which was a trick...they used big boxes to throw us off from what was inside. The contents; an itunes gift card, flowers, and lindt truffles for me and BBQ stuff and sour patch kids for Brent (his favorite!). We were so thrilled and touched. It was very thoughtful of the kids to think of us. :)
Grandma also dropped off a huge bag of Touch of Mink supplies! Which was super nice...I was needing to restock.
So next year is the big 15. It seems crazy to say that. I'm getting old!