Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Random things I love about Fall

Boots, scarves, hats, funky umbrellas, funky socks, tights, pumpkin pie, the pumpkin patch, pumpkins, changing leaves, leaves falling, leaves on the sidewalk, fall colors, blustery days, Winnie the Pooh (nothing to do with fall, but blustery days make me think of him), having a reason to turn the fireplace on, hot chocolate, whip cream on hot chocolate, dark evenings, the crispness in the air, raking leaves into a pile, jumping into the pile of leaves, raking leaves again, not having to mow the lawn anymore, apples, apple pie, turkey, candied yams, family dinners, theater season, all the good shows come back on TV, school, having some time off from work, getting to wear a coat again, and the best thing about fall... pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks, Mmm!